Fossicking Location: Hillgrove
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Latitude: -30.569579
Longitude: 151.904204
Notes: Largely inaccessible due to mining operations. Main ore minerals from the mine are stibnite and scheelite with limited amounts of recoverable gold mixed in (i.e. occasional small flecks in hand samples). Nuggety gold from this location these days is highly unlikely
What To Find:
Gold [Confirmed]
Scheelite [Rumoured]
Stibnite [Rumoured]
Location Attributes:
No Miner's Right / License Required
Private Property
Recommended Tools:
Metal Detector, Pulse Induction
Metal Detector, VLF
Sluicebox, Highbanker
Sluicebox, River
The details for this location were last modifed 2024-12-18 00:17:32