Fossicking Location: Magnet Mine Fossicking Area

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Latitude: -41.442598
Longitude: 145.448642

The old Magnet mine is located six kilometres directly west of Waratah in western Tasmania, although access is by a somewhat circuitous route. The mine is reached by traversing an unsealed road (the Magnet Road) leading off the sealed Waratah Road opposite Whyte Hill (on which a Telstra tower has been erected). This junction is approximately 12 km west of Waratah. The track is steep and badly eroded and is best restricted to 4WD vehicles. The main collecting area is the ferromanganese gossan, which is located above the ruins of the old mill beside the access road. The collecting point is reached after travelling approximately 3 km along the unsealed road and passing through a gravel pit. The Magnet Road continues back to Waratah, but is almost impassable due to washouts.

Historic mining relics occur in this area. Fossickers are asked to respect these relics by avoiding disturbance of historic workings and not collecting artefacts (e.g. bottles, pieces of machinery, etc.) from this area.

What To Find:
Anglesite [Confirmed]
Argentite [Confirmed]
Arsenopyrite [Confirmed]
Boulangerite [Confirmed]
Cerussite [Confirmed]
Chalcophanite [Confirmed]
Chalcopyrite [Confirmed]
Chlorargyrite [Confirmed]
Chromite/magnesiochromite [Confirmed]
Crocoite [Confirmed]
Dolomite [Confirmed]
Galena [Confirmed]
Goethite [Confirmed]
Greenockite/hawleyite [Confirmed]
Lepidocrocite [Confirmed]
Mimetite [Confirmed]
Muscovite [Confirmed]
Phosgenite [Confirmed]
Plumbojarosite [Confirmed]
Proustite [Confirmed]
Pyrargyrite [Confirmed]
Pyrolusite [Confirmed]
Rhodochrosite [Confirmed]
Romanechite [Confirmed]
Siderite [Confirmed]
Silver [Confirmed]
Smithsonite [Confirmed]
Sphalerite [Confirmed]

Location Attributes:
4WD Required
Miner's Right / License Required

Recommended Tools:
Geologist's Pick


The details for this location were last modifed 2024-12-18 00:17:32