Fossicking Location: Lord Brassey Mine Fossicking Area

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Latitude: -41.464164
Longitude: 145.312965

The Lord Brassey mine is located on Brassey Hill, about 17 km west of Waratah in western Tasmania. Access to the 0.6 km2 fossicking area is via a very rough and steep four-wheel drive track heading north from Waratah Road, about 300 hundred metres west of the Heazlewood River picnic area. The mine is reached after travelling approximately 1.5 km along the 4WD track. Most fossicking is done on the dump adjacent to the mine (adit) entrance close to the top of the hill.

Special Conditions

  • Historic mining relics occur in this area. Fossickers are asked to respect these relics by avoiding disturbance of historic workings and not collecting artefacts (e.g. bottles, pieces of machinery, etc.) from this area.
  • UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should fossickers enter the disused adit.

What To Find:
Andradite [Confirmed]
Antigorite [Confirmed]
Awaruite [Confirmed]
Chrysotile [Confirmed]
Clinochlore [Confirmed]
Diopside [Confirmed]
Dypingite [Confirmed]
Heazlewoodite [Confirmed]
Hellyerite [Confirmed]
Lizardite [Confirmed]
Magnetite [Confirmed]
Molybdenite [Confirmed]
Opal, Common [Confirmed]
Opal, Precious [Confirmed]
Pentlandite [Confirmed]
Reevesite [Confirmed]
Retgersite [Confirmed]
Theophrastite [Confirmed]
Zaratite [Confirmed]

Location Attributes:
4WD Required
Miner's Right / License Required


The details for this location were last modifed 2024-12-18 00:17:32